Ember - Promised Land.

Incredibly proud of these dancers. Their innocence, purity, and sincerity while performing Promised Land was nothing short of breathtaking. This show and these dancers were Holy Spirit anointed and it was an honor to watch.

Maggie, your portrayal of Jochebed, Moses’ mom, was brilliant. You captured the emotion of a mother letting go of her child to save him with ease. Jochebed feared God and protected Moses from the government of their time. Her act, heroic as she civilly disobeyed Pharoh’s mandate. Because Jochebed feared God more than man, God raised up her son to be a deliver for her people.

Ava, your Moses was moving. You are an exquisite dancer. Thank you for sharing your gift with others. I pray the you would have the same deep, intimate friendship with God that Moses had.

Ember team, watching you dance together was a joy. Magical. Special. Thank you for leaving it all out on the dance floor.

Girls, my prayer for you is that you keep your innocence and dependency of Jesus. Wisdom would tell you to trust in the Father with your ability. There is strength in humility.

May it be said of you: By faith, the Ember Performance team danced with an inherent trust and enduring confidence in the power, wisdom, and goodness of God. Amen.


Evergreen Dance Co. - Eve.


Signe - Senior.